We set up this page to answer some questions you may already have. Since a video says a million words, we have done video tutorials to help you fully understand how the contents are organized.

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Purchase FAQS
What happens when I pay?
answer: You will receive a CD-ROM/CD-ROMs with all your lessons in less than a week, a week or two depending on your location. Also we will give you a temporary online access to the lessons while waiting for your CD-ROM(s) to arrive. Immediately after purchase our staff calls the postal services to pick up and despatch your package. It is usually quicker on working days.
Do you have a downloadable version?
answer:Yes, we do but since they are large files of about 300 to 500 MB, it is only recommended for those with a fast broadband internet line.
Do you have a money-back guarantee?
answer:Yes. In the unlikely event of you not receiving your CD-ROM(s), we will issue you a full refund, no questions asked. However, this wouldn't be necessary if your postal address is correct. Also if your CD hasn't arrived in a maximum of 2 weeks, please contact us at :
View Contents of both Courses
Beginner Chinese E-Course
What's inside?
Elementary Chinese E-Course
What's inside?